Effective basketball training is essential for all players.
Whether you're a young player still learning the game, a college athlete attempting to turn pro, or a coach looking to help out their team, you should always be on the search for new basketball training tips to improve your game.
Below I'll share with you 37 important basketball training tips that will help you elevate your game to the next level.
Let's get started...
37 Basketball Training Tips, Strategies, and Secrets
1. Always Have a Workout Plan
There is nothing more important than having a plan of what you want to accomplish every time you step in the gym.
This requires that you've spent time evaluating your strengths and weaknesses and you understand what areas of your game you should be focusing on.
- What shooting drills do you want to use?
- How many shots do you want to take?
- Do you need to work on your ball handling?
The answers to all these questions should be clear to anyone who looks at the workout you have planned for the day.
Players can list their workouts on an electronic device like their phone or iPad, or be 'old school' by using traditional printed out paper with a pen to track your results (which I prefer).
Having a plan will allow you to stick to a schedule and be efficient.
You know exactly what to do and you go in and do it.

2. Treat your workouts like doctors appointments
Similar to how people schedule doctors appointments and work commitments, players must be schedule their basketball training workouts too.
Because if you don't schedule them, they probably won't happen.
Schedule your basketball workouts into your calendar at the start of the week and then hold yourself accountable to going to them.
How many times have you planned on working out but then other stuff just kept popping up?
- A friend asks you to hang out...
- You lose track of time while playing video games...
- You're busy watching on a TV series
And then by the time you look at the clock, it's too late to work out so you just forget about it and say "Oh well. I'll do it tomorrow".
This can't happen if you want to develop as a basketball player.
You have to make workouts a priority if you want to be successful.
3. Shooting is the most important skill in basketball
Players must understand this.
When you're in the gym, a lot of your workout time must be spent developing your ability to shoot the basketball.
Every other skill is secondary to shooting.
In the type of basketball that is being played today, it's very hard to receive significant minutes on the court at higher levels if you can't knock down an open shot consistently from the perimeter.
Sure, there are players who make it all the way to the NBA or WNBA who aren't great shooters, but they're often either 7 foot tall or have elite athleticism most of us couldn't dream of possessing.
To give yourself the best chance for success, focus on shooting.
Your goal should always be to become the best shooter on the team.
4. Elite shooters make 1,500 shots per week
Forget about all the parents on instagram claiming their 12-year-old makes 1,000 shots every single day...
Your goal should be 1,500 made shots per week.
Here’s the simple chart I refer to:
- Elite Shooter = 1,500 made shots per week
- Great Shooter = 1,000 made shots per week
- Poor Shooter = 500 made shots per week
“Only 1,500 a week!?” I’ve had a lot of coaches say to me…
If you also think this number is low, I want you to remember how many other commitments players have…
- School
- Homework
- Employment
- Team Practices
- Games
- Other sports
- Friends
- Etc
All the time these commitments require can really add up!
Let’s crunch the numbers to see how much time 1,500 shots a week takes…
Assuming a player makes one game-like shot every fifteen seconds (4 made shots per minute)…
Good - 500 made shots would take 125 minutes = 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Great - 1000 made shots would take 250 minutes = 4 hours and 10 minutes.
Elite - 1,500 made shots would take 375 minutes = 6 hours and 15 minutes.
That doesn’t seem like too much to ask of a player, does it?

5. Always keep a detailed shooting log
I first started advising players to start tracking their made shots after reading a terrific article on shooting coach Dave Hopla.
Dave tracks every single shot he takes… and regularly shoots 98%.
Incredible, right?
In fact, you'll find it hard to find any great shooter that doesn’t meticulously track their makes and misses when working on their shooting.
So why don’t more youth and high school players do it?
I have absolutely no idea!
To me, it’s an absolute must if a player plans on improving their shot.
Here are 5 quick reasons why tracking shots will make you a great shooter:
- You cannot improve what you don't measure.
- It makes every single shot important.
- Players can set shooting goals and commitments.
- Players will see improvements.
- Players will find out their weak shooting areas.
6. Perfect your shooting technique
As shooting is the most important skill in basketball, it's important for all players to develop a fundamentally sound, consistent, and repeatable shot.
And the sooner a player can develop this, the better.
It's much faster and easier for players to improve when they're using correct shooting technique.
Here are the 10 steps players must follow:
- Shot preparation
- Hand placement on the ball
- Balanced base
- Feet direction (the turn)
- Consistent shot pocket
- Eyes on target
- Wrinkle the wrist
- Elbow under the basketball
- Balance hand
- Rhythm shot + follow through
For a more in-depth look into each of these steps, check out my full blog post on how to shoot a basketball perfectly.
7. Start every workout with form shooting
Players should start every workout close to the hoop working on their shooting technique (hint - the pros already do).
The absolute worst thing you can do is step into the gym and immediately start throwing up shots from behind the three-point line.
Start close to the rim and get into a rhythm of shooting the basketball with good technique first and then gradually extend the range of your shot.
Here's what I recommend:
- 20 makes from 3 feet.
- 15 makes from 5 feet.
- 10 makes from 10 feet.
- 5 makes from 15 feet (free-throw line).
That's all you need to do.
It's simple, it's quick, and you'll lock yourself in for a great workout.
8. Workout quality is more important than workout quantity
There are stories that occasionally surface on the internet about a kid 'grinding' in the gym for 10 hours a day and shooting 3,000 shots...
This is completely unnecessary (and often harmful).
In fact, if a player is spending that long in the gym, they're most likely doing something wrong.
Remember this quote...
"Time in a gym doesn't make a man a player any more than time in a garage makes him a car."
A smart and efficient player who goes to the gym for 1 hour can often achieve better results than a careless player who goes to the gym for 10 hours.
By having a pre-planned workout and then getting in the gym and executing the workout at game speed and with 100% focus.
9. But quantity of workouts is still incredibly important
While the quality of a workout is more important than quantity, players who want to get better still need to be in the gym multiple times per week.
No matter how effective your pre-planned workouts are, if you're only completing the workout once or twice per week, you're still not going to be able to develop at a significant rate.
You must be in the gym 3 - 5 times per week working on your game.
Any less than that and you simply won't be able to get in enough quality repetitions to give yourself a chance of becoming a great player.
10. Practice your skills under game-like conditions
Another reasons to add conditioning to your workouts is that it ensures you'll be practicing under game-like conditions.
Understand this...
During games you're going to be sprinting up and down the floor multiple times before attempting to shoot. You're going to be fatigued physically and mentally.
It's important to practice under these conditions so that you're comfortable executing your skills when faced with these conditions during games.
Here are a few examples of how to add conditioning to workouts:
- Sprint to half-way and back after each shot attempt.
- Complete one suicide after each shooting drill and then practice shooting free-throws.
- Instead of using a basketball shooting machine, rebound the basketball after every shot by yourself.
11. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses
One of the best things a player can do is sit down with a pen and paper and evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses.
As long as the player is honest with themselves, this exercise will show them a few different things:
a. What areas of their game they need to work on (weaknesses).
b. What to focus on executing during games (strengths).
Understanding this is especially important when players are putting together basketball training workouts to improve their game.
You must be able to look at your game from an outsider's perspective and be objectively critical with yourself.
For example, just because you like shooting three-pointers doesn't make you a three-point shooter (especially if you're only making 17% of your attempts).
Which is why I always recommend getting your coach's thoughts, too...
12. Talk to your coach about what you need to improve
"Good players take criticism. Great players crave criticism" - Don Meyer
Once you've evaluated your own strengths and weaknesses, ask your coach if they'll spend a few minutes with you sharing their thoughts.
Ask them to be honest with you and to provide feedback.
Ask them what they think your strengths and weaknesses are.
But you must be willing to accept criticism when you do this. Understand that you're putting yourself in a vulnerable position and you must be willing to listen to your coach's advice. This takes mental toughness.
Don't argue with them.
An experienced coach can provide great insight into areas of your game that you might have overlooked.
13. Always train at game speed
“I try and go through practice at game speed so it’ll be easier when I step on the floor for a real game” - Kevin Durant
One of the biggest mistakes a player can make during workouts is only putting in 50% effort when practicing.
Instead of sprinting around the court, they jog.
Instead of raising up on each shot, they barely leave the ground.
Being able to shoot casually and being able to shoot after running off a screen and then jumping up high into the air to avoid the defender blocking your shot are completely different skills.
If you want to improve your in-game shooting, you need to be practicing game shots at game speed.
14. Develop a consistent free-throw routine
If you don't already have one, developing a consistent free-throw routine that you'll use every time you step to the line is very important.
A consistent routine gives you confidence and a process to focus your attention on when shooting free-throws.
Keep in mind that there isn't a 'right' or a 'wrong' way to do this...
- Steve Nash shoots imaginary shots before receiving the basketball.
- Jeff Hornacek strokes his cheek 3 times (a tribute to his kids)
- Gilbert Arenas circled the basketball around his waist 3 times.
- Jason Kidd blows a kiss before each free-throw (another tribute).
The above examples may seem odd, but the purpose of including them is to show you that anything is possible.
All that matters is that your routine makes you feel comfortable.
Here's a look at my routine:
- Catch the basketball a foot behind the line.
- Spin the basketball back to myself.
- Line up my lead foot with the middle of the rim.
- Other foot slightly behind and pointed at 10 o'clock.
- Bounce 3 times.
- Shoot
Figure out yours and stick with it.

15. Spend more time working on your free throw shooting
"No fundamental basketball skill has a bigger impact on a close game at any level than the free throw" - Adam Filippi
Once you've developed a consistent free-throw routine, then it's time to make sure you're practicing them enough to become a great free-throw shooter.
If you want to be on the floor during the final few minutes of close games, this is crucial...
Your coach must be able to trust that if you're on the court and you're fouled, you'll be able to step to the line and knock down two clutch free-throws.
Here are some of the percentages players should be aiming for to be an above-average free-throw shooter at each level:
Late Youth - 60%
High School - 70%
College - 80%
For context, the average free-throw percentage from college players has floated around the 67% - 70% mark since 1960...
And the average free-throw percentage from NBA players has varied between 73% and 77% since 1955 (source: Chicago Tribune).
Players should be doing much better than that!
16. When (and how) to practice your free-throws
Continuing with the free-throw topic...
"When should you be practicing them and how should you do it?"
There are two specific times...
a. Bulk free-throw shooting
The first method involves shooting a large amount of free-throws in a row.
What you're aiming to achieve using this method is to commit your free-throw routine and free-throw technique to muscle memory.
The focus is on getting in a lot of repetitions.
Players can do this by shooting 100 free-throws in their backyard after school or by shooting 50 free-throws to finish a basketball training workout.
b. Fatigued free-throw shooting
While the first method focused on mass repeititions, fatigued free-throw shooting focuses on game-like repetitions.
This means practicing your free-throws while feeling the same type of fatigue a player would experience mid-game.
The best way to incorporate this into your workouts is to shoot two free-throws after each drill during a basketball workout.
For example:
- Mikan layups
- 2 free-throws
- 15 midrange shots
- 2 free-throws
- 10 three-point shots
- 2 free-throws
Both of these methods are important for free-throw shooting development.
17. Work on your shot fake
Bob Knight (former coach of Indiana) understood the importance of developing a great shot fake...
"I sit and wonder why no one uses the shot fake. The shot fake, when used correctly, can eliminate a defender" - Bobby Knight
"The most neglected and best scoring move in basketball is the shot fake" - Bob Knight
But how many people take the time to work on it?
Not many.
Here are the key points you need to remember:
a. Stay low - If the defender jumps on the shot fake, the offensive player needs to be low to explode past them and attack the rim.
b. Raise the basketball to eye level - Any higher and the offensive player will take too long to make the most of their advantage.
c. Eyes on the rim - To really sell the shot fake, players need to look at the rim. Defenders will often watch the eyes of their opponent.
Once the defender takes the bait, the offensive player can either take one dribble to the left or right and shoot or they can attack the hoop.
Commit to working on your shot fake and improving it.
18. Practice both 'The Hop' and the '1-2 Step'
If you've ever been told by a coach that you should always either 'hop' or 1-2 step' into your shot, don't listen to them.
Truth is...
The 1-2 step is better in some situations.
The hop is better in some situations.
Which one is better will depend on a number of factors:
- How quickly you have to shoot.
- The direction you're facing on the catch.
- The position on the floor.
- How fast you're moving on the catch.
- Personal preference.
- etc.
Which is why it's important that you're practicing your shot using both methods in a range of different situations.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you must use one of the methods exclusively no matter what.
19. If you have access to a shooting machine, use it
There is absolutely no question that a basketball shooting machine can help you become a better player.
A personal rebounder for your entire workout?
Yes please.
A basketball shooting machine will significantly increase the number of shots a player can take in a short amount of time.
Instead of chasing after the rebound after every single shot, a player can stay at a specific spot on the floor and let the machine do all the rebounding while they just focus on shooting.
And if you're looking for one, I highly recommend Dr. Dish.
Not everyone will have access to a shooting machine...
But if you do, take full advantage of it whenever possible.
20. Develop a variety of finishes at the rim
Once you become a lethal outside shooter, opposition players are going to be forced to defend you closer to prevent the outside shot.
It will also be far more likely that they'll jump on your shot fakes.
This is when you need to attack the rim.
Being able to explode past your opponent and then finish at the rim with a variety of moves is crucial to be a complete scorer.
Here are 7 finishing moves all players should be working on:
- Regular layups (overhand)
- Finger Roll (underhand)
- Floaters
- Off-foot layups (example: right foot jump, right foot shot)
- Euro step
- Reverse layups
- Jump stop layups

21. Don't forget about defense
"There's a disposition great defenders have - a genuine pride that scores are a problem, people that score on me is a problem" - Brett Brown
Becoming one of the best defenders on your team is a smart way for any player to stand out and increase their court time.
How many players really want to improve defensively?
Not many.
The best way to improve your one-on-one defense is to compete against a live opponent. Preferably someone better than you.
Here's what to focus on:
- Staying down in defensive stance.
- One arm's length away from your opponent.
- Contain them. Don't allow them to get past.
- Force them into a difficult shot.
Very few players are committed enough to focus on defense - be different.
22. Become a beast in the low post
Being able to catch the basketball in the low post and the score with a variety of moves is a lost art in today's game.
When was the last time you walked into a gym and noticed kids working on their low post moves?
It just doesn't happen much anymore.
Usually kids are too busy shooting off-balance three-pointers.
But let's turn this negative into a positive:
Just as players aren't practicing scoring in the low post, players aren't learning how to defend the low post either...
This gives players who are willing to commit time to developing their post moves a big advantage over the competition.
Here are the post moves I recommend working on:
- Jump hook
- Up and under
- Drop step
- Face up shot
To be clear, all players (1 - 5) should be working on these low post moves. Not just the tall players who usually hang around the rim.
You never know who's going to have a mismatch against a smaller or weaker opponent. All players must be prepared to take advantage in the low post.
23. Get in the weight room and improve strength
The exact age that players should start lifting weights is a highly debated topic online and offline.
I'm not a doctor or a medical professional so I won't give advice on when players should start lifting, but one thing's for sure...
Weight training does help players on the basketball court.
Getting stronger will allow a player to pull down more rebounds, fight better for position, nudge off opponents, etc.
The body will also be more resistant to injuries.
As long as a player seeks professional advice and gets a weight lifting program tailored for their goals, increased strength can be a big advantage on the basketball court.
24. Improve your level of fitness
"The better conditioned team will probably win in the long run" - John Wooden
Another fantastic way to improve your basketball training is to incorporate conditioning (sprints, bodyweight exercises) into every workout.
This is important for several reasons, but the one we'll talk about now is the importance of improving your fitness.
Improving your level of fitness will dramatically improve every single area of your game.
You'll be less fatigued while shooting, you'll be able to sprint back harder on defense, free-throws will be easier, much better defense, etc.
It's difficult to be a great player when you're fatigued...
When players are tired, they make mistakes.
And a player who makes mistakes and poor decisions isn't the kind of player that coaches want on the court at the end of games.
I'll show you some examples of ways to add conditioning to your workuots in the next tip...
25. Upgrade your diet
One of the best things you can do to give yourself an edge over the opponent is to sort out what food you're putting into your body.
And this doesn't just mean before and after games...
It means all the time.
What food are you putting in your body on a day-to-day basis to fuel your basketball and life commitments?
Most people are eating McDonalds and KFC every day and then washing it down with 4 cans of Coca-Cola.
Commit to doing better.
I don't claim to be a nutrition expert, and I'm not expecting players to eat like they're training for a bodybuilding contest, but we all have a general understanding of what food is good and bad.
- Stop having sugar-filled cereal.
- Stop eating fast food.
- Stop drinking soda.
- Start eating more chicken and eggs.
- Start planning your meals.
- Start drinking more water.
Committing to the little things like improving your diet can give you a big advantage over the competition.
26. Understand the importance of rest and recovery
With all the individual workouts, team practices, and games that players go through on a weekly basis, putting a high importance on recovery is crucial for long-term development.
Let's be realistic...
At some point you need to rest your body and recharge your mind.
Resting is important both physically and mentally to ensure that you'll be able to continue to play at train at a high level.
Here are a few exercises and tools that can help basketball players with recovery:
Foam Rolling - By foam rolling you can increase your flexibility, improve blood circulation around the body, and it also removes lactic acid post-workout.
Stretching - Daily stretching will prevent tight muscles, improve your range of motion, and can decrease injuries.
Massages - Similar to stretching, massages will prevent tight muscles and assist with preventing injuries.
27. Become Ambidexterous
Definition: "Able to use the right and left hands equally well."
Apart from shooting, the best players are able to perform all basketball skills equally well with both hands.
- They can pass with left and right.
- They can block with left and right.
- They can dribble with left and right.
- They can finish with left and right.
I've watched many young players dominate the game with their preferred hand at a young age. Many are so dominant that they don't even bother working on their opposite hand.
And here's what happens:
When they get to the next level, defenses get smarter.
You'll often hear a coach yell out to 'force him left' which can effectively shut down the player because they don't have the left hand dribbling skills to attack that direction.
It's important to work on both hands so that players are able to take advantage of anything that the defense gives them.

28. Improve your ability to handle the rock
"I dribbled by the hour with my left hand when I was young. I didn’t have full control, but I got so I could move the ball back and forth from one hand to the other without breaking the cadence of my dribble. I wasn’t dribbling behind my back or setting up any trick stuff, but I was laying the groundwork for it" - Bob Cousy
While dribbling is without a doubt the most overused skill in basketball, it is still important to spend time on developing.
This is true for players at all five positions -- not just the guards.
The last few years have shown us that having a tall player who can rebound at a high rate and then immediately push the basketball down the floor is invaluable to a team; so encourage everyone to improve!
There are several ways to improve your ball-handling:
1. Compete against live defenders
Whether it's 5-on-5 or 1-on-1, playing against live defenders is the best way to improve your ball-handling.
The benefit of live competition is that it forces you to learn how to be creative and effective in game-like situations.
There's nothing better!
2. Full-Court Dribbling
If you have a full court available to practice (or a driveway), you can use the entire floor to work on different dribbling moves.
- Crossovers
- Change of pace
- Hesitation dribble
- Behind-the-back
- Through-the-legs
- In-and-out
3. Stationary Ball-Handling
Here's a list of some of 50 stationary ball-handling drills you could be working on at home or when you don't have access to a hoop:
- Pound dribble
- Figure 8
- Body wraps
- Spider dribble
- Scissors
- Kills
29. Improve Your Vertical Jump
Another fantastic way to make the most of the off-season is to improve your vertical jump.
An extra inch or two on your vertical jump can make a big difference during games....
It can be the difference between rising up and blocking an opponent's shot or slapping them on the wrist.
Performing a vertical jump workout program will also improve your speed, agility, and reaction times too.
There are many benefits!
Fortunately, a few years ago I created a free 12-week vertical jump program that has resulted in many success stories.
Use it.
30. Make sure you have a 'Driveway Workout'
One of the most important things a player can do is have a 'driveway workout' or two ready for when they can't get to the gym.
It's the number one excuse I hear for why players can't train...
"I couldn't get to the gym"
So, what's a 'driveway workout'...
A driveway workout is a basketball training workout that you can complete at home by yourself as long as you have a basketball.
These should be created by each player because the equipment, space to dribble, and whether you have a basketball ring at home or not will vary between each individual.
Here's an example workout for a player who doesn't have a ring at home:
- Pound Dribble - right hand x 20
- Pound Dribble - left hand x 20
- Crossovers - x 30
- Front V-Dribble - right hand x 20
- Front V-Dribble - left hand x 20
- Side V-Dribble - right hand x 20
- Side V-Dribble - left hand x 20
- Spider Dribble - x30
- Creative Wall Passes - x30
- Line Form Shooting - x50
When you have a driveway workout, there should never be any excuse not to work on your game every day.
31. Play more 1-on-1
Competing one-on-one is by far one of the best ways to improve your basketball ability.
This is especially true if you're competing against players who are currently better than you.
Offensively, players learn how to create shot opportunities for themselves and score using a variety of moves.
Defensively, players must learn how to play solid on-ball defense as there is no help defense to back them up if the offensive player gets past them.
Here are 3 tips to make one-on-one more game-like:
1. Start from different positions on the floor
Don't just start at the top of the key every time, change it up...
You have the option to start each possession from a number of different areas on the floor:
- On the wing
- In the corner
- In the low post
- From the elbow
- Off a closeout
2. Limit number of dribbles
Don't dribble the basketball at the top of the key 20 times before looking to attack the defense and score.
One of the most effective 1-on-1 rules is to limit the number of dribbles that a player is allowed to use on each possession.
This forces players to learn how to effectively create a good shot in limited time and limited space.
My recommendation is 2 - 3 dribbles.
3. Confirm each point with a free-throw
This is a great rule to improve shooting free-throws while under pressure.
Each time a player scores a point, they must go to the free-throw line and take one shot (or two for elite players).
If they make the free-throw, they get the point.
But if they miss the free-throw, their point is cancelled and the opposing player receives the ball on the next possession.
32. When you go to the gym, always invite a teammate
Here's a quick tip to make your basketball team significantly better without any extra effort on your part...
Always invite a teammate when you go to the gym.
Even better -- invite all your teammates.
Not only does this give you a partner to shoot and rebound with, you'll be able to teach your teammates how to effectively work out, too.
Hopefully this will encourage your teammates to practice more often and your team will quickly improve. This will also allow you to use basketball drills that require a bigger group.
Unfortunately, there are many players who don't want to do this...
Many players don't want their teammates to improve and challenge them for minutes or their spot in the rotation.

33. Study basketball games (don't just watch them)
Another way for players to develop is to start watching basketball games like a coach instead of a general fan.
There's a big difference.
The general basketball fan will sit back in their chair and occasionally glance up at the TV screen while scrolling through their phone.
A coach watches with focus and attempts to learn from every game.
Here's a few things to look for:
- How is the defense defending ball-screens?
- How is the offense attacking the ball-screen defense?
- What plays are the offensive team using?
- What defense is the defensive team running?
- How do the star players create space to get an open shot?
- Where are the best defenders positioning themselves on the floor?
- And there are hundreds more!
Watching basketball games with the intent to learn and improve will give players a huge advantage over those who watch just for fun.

34. Follow the best basketball minds on Twitter
Following on with the topic of constant learning, one of the best ways you can increase your basketball knowledge is on Twitter.
I'm constantly amazed by the amount of valuable basketball content that's shared on there each day.
Inspirational quotes, video breakdowns, effective basketball plays, links to interesting articles, etc.
Twitter is only an effective learning tool if you're following the right people.
If you're not, it can quickly fill your days with a flood of pointless and negative garbage as people use their tweets to vent their frustrations.
Here are 5 accounts I highly recommend you follow:
1. @franfraschilla - Fran Fraschilla
2. @coachliamflynn - Liam Flynn
3. @fastmodel - Fast Model Sports
4. @bballimmersion - Chris Oliver
5. @bballcoachmac - Trevor McLean (yours truly)
35. Spend time studying, too
This is my 'responsible adult advice' tip...
It's a warning not to put all of your eggs in one basket.
There are far too many young players who are putting 100% of their hopes and dreams on securing a NBA or WNBA contract.
The reality is, according to NCAA statistics, only 0.02 to 0.03 percent of high school players end up in the NBA or WNBA.
To do the math, that's 2 - 3 out of every 10,000 players.
Those aren't great odds.
Make sure you're studying hard in school and putting enough time into your education so that you have something to fall back on if your basketball dreams don't work out.
36. There are very few players willing to put in the work
I have some great news for you...
Very few players are willing to get in the gym every day.
Very few players are willing to track every shot they take.
Very few players are willing to work on their 1-on-1 defense.
Very few players are willing to shoot 100 free-throws every day.
Very few players are willing to develop their ball-handling.
You see, most players aren't patient.
Unfortunately, most players are looking for the 'secret bullet' that will take them from an average player to a superstar overnight.
And it doesn't exist.
"What does this mean for you?"
If you're willing to commit to consistently improving your game with a lot of hard work, there won't be much competition standing in your way.
37. Consistency is key to long-term improvement
This could be the most important tip of all.
If you really want to become a great basketball player, you have to commit to working on your game long-term.
It always amazes me how many kids I see start a basketball training routine full of excitement and looking towards achieving big goals...
...but then they quit after 1 or 2 weeks because they haven't seen any significant results yet.
You will not see overnight improvements.
In fact, your rate of improvement will be so small that you probably won't even realise it at first.
But this doesn't mean improvement isn't happening...
After a few months of training, you'll be able to look back on your basketball training log and you'll realise just how far you've come and how much better you are now than before.
Small improvements add up remarkably quickly.
Basketball Training Tips Summary:
- Always have a workout plan.
- Treat your workouts like doctors appointments.
- Shooting is the most important skill in basketball.
- Elite shooters make 1,500 shots per week.
- Always keep a detailed shooting log.
- Perfect your shooting technique.
- Start every workout with form shooting.
- Workout quality is more important than workout quantity.
- But quantity of workouts is still important.
- Practice your skills under game-like conditions.
- Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
- Talk to your coach about what you need to improve.
- Always train at game speed.
- Develop a consistent free-throw routine.
- Spend more time working on your free-throw shooting.
- When (and how) to practice your free-throws.
- Work on your shot fake.
- Practice both 'The Hop' and '1-2 Step'.
- If you have access to a shooting machine, use it.
- Develop a variety of finishes at the rim.
- Don't forget about defense.
- Become a beast in the low post.
- Get in the weight room and improve strength.
- Improve your fitness level.
- Upgrade your diet.
- Understand the importance of rest and recovery.
- Become ambidextrous.
- Improve your ability to handle the rock.
- Improve your vertical jump.
- Make sure you have a 'driveway workout'.
- Play more 1-on-1.
- When you go to the gym, always invite a teammate.
- Study basketball games (don't just watch them).
- Follow the best basketball minds on Twitter.
- Spend time studying, too.
- There are very few players willing to put in the work.
- Consistency is key to long-term improvement.
For players committed to improving, the basketball training tips presented in this blog post will help you become a much better basketball player.
But there's a catch...
Simply reading this blog post won't make you a better player.
You have to take action.
Start scheduling your workouts, keep a training log, sit down and work out your strengths and weaknesses, be more careful with the food you put into your body, develop your shooting technique, commit to training at 100%...
I guaranteed you'll quickly see results on the court.